Evaluation Process for the IAQ Quality Sustainability Award

Applications for the IAQ Quality Sustainability Award will be examined in a three-step process. The examination process is confidential and no information about the results will be externally communicated apart from the name(s) of the Award Finalists and the Award Winners. All information provided in the application will be handled in a confidential way except for the One-page summary which can be published for all projects applying for the award.

1.   Prequalification review:

Every application will be reviewed by the IAQ QiPECTT Evaluation Committee or the corresponding function within the Quality Sustainability Award Partner organizations. As a first step a prequalification review will be performed in order to assure that the application fulfills the requirements, and all necessary information is submitted.

Prequalification requirements are:

  • The project has been completed, and the completion should have been made no longer than three years back in time.
  • The project must have been performed as a team-effort and it should be clear in the application who the team-leader and members are. Note: the project can be part of an overall organizational effort but the application must show results and approach of an individual project.
  • The Application Form has been filled in correctly. Applications to a partner organization can be in the local language, applications to QiPECTT must be in English.
  • The One page summary, for publication and research, must be submitted as Attachment 1 to the Application Form and has to be in English.
  • The application fee, as defined by the local partner or QiPECTT must have been paid.

2.   Evaluation for local award and selection for global contest

Applications that have fulfilled the prequalification requirements will subsequently be evaluated in detail by two independent and trained evaluators of the IAQ QiPECTT Evaluation Committee or the corresponding function at IAQ Quality Sustainability Award Partner organizations. The Evaluation Matrix containing the criteria is given below. The purpose of the evaluation by the IAQ QiPECTT Evaluation Committee is to decide which projects are selected as Award Finalists. Applications that are evaluated and not selected as Award Finalists will be provided a short feedback.

Evaluation Matrix for the IAQ Quality Sustainability Award

IAQ Quality Sustainability Award Partners organize their local award program and select local award winners out of their finalists using the same criteria. The best project(s) can then be selected as finalists for the Global Award.

Applications evaluated and selected as Global Award Finalists, either by partners or by QiPECTT Evaluation Committee, will be informed and publicly announced and thereby part of the program for the Award conference and ceremony.


3.   Evaluation at the Global level

All projects evaluated and selected as Award Finalists will be asked to prepare a short, recorded video presentation to be shown at the award ceremony. A specially composed jury for that event will take the final decision on Global Award Winner(s) of the IAQ Quality Sustainability Award